Sistemas de Tutores Inteligentes
Código: PINF7059
Curso: Doutorado em Ciência da Computação
Créditos: 3
Carga horária: 45
Ementa: Sistemas Tutores e Educação;
A Arquitetura dos ITS;
O Diálogo Tutorial: das Redes Semânticas aos Modelos Mentais;
Ambientes de Aprendizagem;
Análise de Resposta;
Teorias Pedagógicas;
Agentes Pedagógicos;
Sistemas Hipermídias e ITS;
Avaliação de ITS sob a perspectiva das Ciências da Cognição.
Bibliografia: Artificial Intelligence and Tutoring Systems. Wenger, E, Morgan Kaufmann (Ed.), 1987.
Adaptive Learning Environments : Foundations and Frontiers (NATO Asi Series. Series F
Computer and Systems Sciences, Vol 85); Marlene Jones, Philip H. Winne (Ed.) 1992.
Artificial Intelligence and Education; Robert W. Lawler, Masoud Yazdani. May 1987.
Computer Assisted Instruction and Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Shared Goals and
Complementary Approaches; Jill Larkin(Editor), 1991.
Computer Assisted Learning : 4th International Conference, Iccal '92 Proceedings
(Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 602); I. Tomek(Editor). 1992.
Facilitating the Development and Use of Interactive Learning Environments (Computers, Cognition, and Work); Charles P. Bloom(Editor), R. Bowen Loftin(Editor). 1998.
Foundations of Intelligent Tutoring Systems; M. Polson(Editor). 1988.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems : 5th International Conference, Its 2000, Montreal, Canada,
June 19-23, 2000 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer science). Gilles Gauthier (Editor), Claude Frasson(Editor). July 2000.
Learning Issues for Intelligent Tutoring Systems Heinz Mandl, Alan Lesgold(Editor). 1988.
Student Modelling : The Key to Individualized Knowledge-Based Instruction (NATO As Series. Series F, Computer and Systems Sciences, Vol. 125). Jim E. Greer, Gordon McCalla. February 1994.
Artigos colhidos da Internet, durante o curso.