Research projects

Abbreviation Titlesort descending Starting date Deadline (months)
2024-2026-APEES-PDS An ontology-based platform for the systemic digital preservation of archival documents 01/10/2024 24
IA-PD Artificial Intelligence in Digital Pathology: A Case Study in Oral Cancer 02/01/2023 36
IASa Artificial Intelligence in Health: Research and Development of Algorithms for Monitoring, Diagnosing and Promoting Health and Well-Being 31/05/2023 24
Computational Intelligence Applied to Autonomous Vehicles for Industry 01/03/2023 36
I2CA Computational intelligence Applied to Industry 01/09/2021 60
PoP-ES Deployment and Management of advanced networking media and services 01/10/2021 56
DMSKIN Designing multimodal models to assist in the early diagnosis of skin cancer 20/06/2024 24
LOGIST.2022 Efficient algorithms for logistics problems 29/07/2022 60
Efficient and Safe Autonomous Forklift for Advanced Manufacturing in the Automotive Industry 4.0 13/06/2024 36
TRIA Evaluation of an Artificial Intelligence Model for Skin Lesion Triage in a Clinical Setting 03/03/2025 24
2023-2025-FrameWeb Evolution of FrameWeb (Framework-based Design Method for Web Engineering): improvements for its use in practice 01/08/2023 24
FDeep Fault detection and diagnosis in industrial processes 01/12/2022 36
GC-OCSC Graph Centrality with applications in Optimization and Combinatorial Scientific Computing 20/05/2019 72
SIAA Improving Interaction Between Applied Artificial Intelligence and Humans 04/03/2024 36
IPCEB Insertion of Computational Thinking in basic education 01/08/2022 72


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