
Course offering:

2025/1 2024/2 2024/1 2023/1


Code Namesort descending Degree Hours
PINF6012 Artificial Intelligence Master's degree 60
PINF7061 Artificial Neural Networks Doctoral degree 60
PINF6061 Artificial Neural Networks Master's degree 60
PINF6052 Combinatorial Optimization and Meta-heuristics Master's degree 45
PINF7052 Combinatorial Optimization and Meta-heuristics Doctoral degree 45
PINF6002 Computer Architecture Master's degree 60
PINF6100 Computer Graphics Master's degree 60
PINF7100 Computer Graphics Doctoral degree 60
PINF7031 Computer Networks Doctoral degree 60
PINF6031 Computer Networks Master's degree 60


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Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514 - Goiabeiras, Vitória - ES | CEP 29075-910