Title: Doctor
Research groups: CNPq (Google Translator version)
Curriculum: https://lattes.cnpq.br/9575037824966283

Participation in projects:

Title Starting datesort ascending Deadline (months) Participation in the project
01/06/2023 36 Vice coordinator *
A conceptual architecture of a ubiquitous environment to enhance learning 25/02/2020 48 Coordinator *
01/04/2013 24 Coordinator *
01/08/2009 12 Coordinator *
01/10/2005 15 Researcher *


Participants in examination boards:

Title Name Defense datesort ascending Course
RODRIGO DAL MORO 16/07/2008 **MSc in Computer Science**
PEDRO HENRIQUE MANNATO COUTINHO 31/10/2007 **MSc in Computer Science**
HUDSON RAMOS 31/10/2007 **MSc in Computer Science**
VÍTOR ESTÊVÃO SILVA SOUZA 16/07/2007 **MSc in Computer Science**
THIAGO BORTOLO RAMIRO 22/12/2006 **MSc in Computer Science**


Disciplines taught:

Academic termsort ascending Code Name Hours Course
2020/1 PINF6038 Special Topics in Computer Science 45 Master's degree in computer science
2020/1 PINF7010 Directed Study 90 PhD program in computer science
2019/2 PINF6059 Intelligent Tutoring Systems 45 Master's degree in computer science
2019/2 PINF7010 Directed Study 90 PhD program in computer science
2019/1 PINF7010 Directed Study 90 PhD program in computer science


Guided Students:

Name Title Defense datesort ascending Role Type
GUILHERME NICCHIO PINOTTE 30/09/2016 Advisor * MSc dissertation
PATRICIA TEODORO GUADIO RIOS 26/09/2016 Advisor * MSc dissertation
GERALDO ANGELO VASSOLER 04/09/2014 Advisor * MSc dissertation
WAGNER DE ANDRADE PERIN 29/08/2014 Advisor * MSc dissertation
HALYSSON FREITAS ALVES DA SILVA 30/08/2013 Advisor * MSc dissertation


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