Title: Doctor
Research groups: CNPq (Google Translator version)

Participation in projects:

Title Starting datesort ascending Deadline (months) Participation in the project
Resilient Programmable Networks: AI for Protection and Programmability for Performance Guarantees Proponente: Magnos Martinello magnos.martinello [at] 24 de junho de 2024 01/06/2024 36 Coordinator *
PrivacIoT: Development of Mechanisms to Guarantee Confidentiality and Privacy 02/05/2023 36 Collaborator *
01/01/2023 36 Coordinator *
Deployment and Management of advanced networking media and services 01/10/2021 56 Collaborator *
PORVIR-5G: programability, orchestration and virtualization in 5G networks 01/02/2021 60 Coordinator *


Participants in examination boards:

Title Name Defense datesort ascending Course
RAFAEL DUARTE VENCIONECK 04/09/2015 **MSc in Computer Science**
DIEGO ROSSI MAFIOLETTI 31/08/2015 **MSc in Computer Science**
SERGIO ROBERTO CHARPINEL JUNIOR 14/08/2015 **MSc in Computer Science**
RENATO BENEZATH CABELINO RIBEIRO 13/07/2015 **MSc in Computer Science**
EROS SILVA SPALLA 10/07/2015 **MSc in Computer Science**


Disciplines taught:

Academic termsort ascending Code Name Hours Course
2023/1 PINF7010 Directed Study 90 PhD program in computer science
2022/2 PINF7010 Directed Study 90 PhD program in computer science
2022/1 PINF6010 Directed Study 90 Master's degree in computer science
2021/2 PINF7031 Computer Networks 60 PhD program in computer science
2021/2 PINF6031 Computer Networks 60 Master's degree in computer science


Guided Students:

Name Title Defense datesort ascending Role Type
RODOLFO RIBEIRO GOMES 30/03/2016 Advisor * MSc dissertation
ANDRÉ OSHIRO BARCELOS 13/10/2015 Advisor * MSc dissertation
RAFAEL DUARTE VENCIONECK 04/09/2015 Advisor * MSc dissertation
DIEGO ROSSI MAFIOLETTI 31/08/2015 Advisor * MSc dissertation
SERGIO ROBERTO CHARPINEL JUNIOR 14/08/2015 Advisor * MSc dissertation


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