Publication date: 14/07/2023

Examining board:

Namesort descending Role
DAVIDSON CURY Examinador Interno

Summary: With the advancement of the internet, social networks, artificial intelligence and
computing devices, humanity has become connected like never before. However,
most of the time people only consume content that is not very significant in terms of
knowledge, suggested by artificial intelligence systems that aim to keep the user
entertained and clicking on paid advertisements, aiming mainly at profit and not
necessarily a real benefit for these users. This project aims to develop an ecosystem
that uses resources from intelligent systems to foster communities of practice in the
context of continuous teacher development, that is, communities that bring together
groups of teachers interested in a certain topic of knowledge to propose and test
innovations, exchange experiences and evolve together, both academically and
The ongoing development of teachers for society is critical to ensuring that students
receive the quality education they need to succeed and improve society. Continuous
development allows teachers to stay up-to-date on new technologies, tools and
teaching methods, as well as being informed about key trends and challenges in
their own field and society. This translates into teachers who are better prepared to
deal with the challenges of modern education and provide students with the best
education possible.
In this sense, a virtual environment was created that aims to foster communities of
practice as a tool to help teachers to continue learning and developing, by sharing
ideas, experiences and resources, in addition to providing opportunities for
continuous professional development. According to a study published in the journal
Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, communities of practice provide a
context for informal and collaborative learning, where teachers can engage in
meaningful discussions with their peers and share practical experiences (Yoon,
2007). This can be particularly important in an ever-changing teaching environment,
as is the case today.

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