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Title: Doctor
Research groups: CNPq (Google Translator version)
Curriculum: https://lattes.cnpq.br/4332944687727598

Participation in projects:

Title Starting datesort ascending Deadline (months) Participation in the project
01/03/2024 36 Coordinator *
01/12/2022 36 Coordinator *
01/03/2021 36 Coordinator *
Digital System Requirements for Natural Resources Engineering 01/10/2020 48 Coordinator *
ROSE – Requirements, Ontologies and Software Evolution 01/08/2019 36 Researcher *


Participants in examination boards:

Title Name Defense datesort ascending Course
VINICIUS MARCHANDT SOBRAL 30/10/2015 **MSc in Computer Science**
CÁSSIO CHAVES REGINATO 29/10/2015 **MSc in Computer Science**
JOHN OLIVEIRA GUERSON 28/05/2015 **MSc in Computer Science**
DIORBERT CORRÊA PEREIRA 27/02/2015 **MSc in Computer Science**
JULIO CESAR NARDI 10/12/2014 **Doctoral Degree in Computer Science**


Disciplines taught:

Academic termsort ascending Code Name Hours Course
2020/1 PINF7010 Directed Study 90 PhD program in computer science
2020/1 PINF6011 Model-Driven Development 45 Master's degree in computer science
2020/1 PINF6010 Directed Study 90 Master's degree in computer science
2019/2 PINF6010 Directed Study 90 Master's degree in computer science
2019/1 PINF6011 Model-Driven Development 45 Master's degree in computer science


Guided Students:

Name Title Defense datesort ascending Role Type
THIAGO LAVAREZI PIANISSOLLA Advisor * Proposal for msc dissertation
GUSTAVO LUDOVICO GUIDONI 29/03/2023 Advisor * PhD thesis
JEFERSON DE OLIVEIRA BATISTA 25/03/2022 Advisor * MSc dissertation
ARCHIMEDES ALVES DETONI 25/10/2019 Advisor * PhD thesis
PATRICIA MARÇAL CARNELLI CAMPOS 21/10/2019 Advisor * MSc dissertation


Acesso à informação
Transparência Pública

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Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514 - Goiabeiras, Vitória - ES | CEP 29075-910

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